
Create a Brochure in Google Slides™ for Next Year's Class

Create a Brochure in Google Slides™ for Next Year's Class

Create a brochure in Google Slides for next year's class makes a fun end of the year activity that can be completed on Chromebooks, laptops, computers or ipads. Come grab a FREE digital template!
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week next week I have a FREE and easy to use brochure template in Google Slides™ your students can use to design an informative brochure for next year's class. The sections of the brochure include:

  • What You Should Know About Teacher's Name Goes Here
  • Always Remember To...
  • Things You Will Learn About
  • Best Project
  • Favorite Memory
  • Advice for Having a Successful Year

If you are switching grade levels you can still have students create a brochure for fun but then just send them home with students. If you are continuing to teach the same grade level/special then hang onto the completed brochures to share with the next class. You could even set one on each child's desk during Back to School Night/Open House. 

Click HERE to get your FREE copy! I took my paper/pencil end of the year brochure and remade it in Google Slides so students can use the digital tools for designing.

One of the brochures I'm holding was created with clipart & photos. The other brochure's images were hand-drawn.
You have options!

Students can use Chromebooks, laptops, computers or iPads to create their brochure all about their year with YOU. Simply share the template with students via Google Classroom, email address, a shared folder, LMS, etc. and students can get right to work. Very low prep for YOU!

The background of this brochure is locked down but students can add their own text and images. 

Adding Images

After students type their information into the text boxes they can add images to their brochures many different ways: 

👉PRINT & DRAW: I know many schools do not have access to a colored printer so you could always print the brochures after students have typed in their information and have them use crayons, markers or colored pencils to draw their own pictures. 

👉DRAWING TOOLS IN GOOGLE SLIDES: Students can use the drawing tools right within Google Slides to draw their own pictures in the boxes

👉IMAGE SEARCH: Students can use the built in image search or one of THESE websites to find images to insert. Note: This resource does not include information on citing image sources.

👉WEBCAM/IPAD CAMERA: Students can use the built in webcam or ipad camera to take selfies and pictures to add to their brochure.

👉UPLOAD FROM DEVICE: If students have images saved to their device, they could easily upload them to their brochure. OPTION: If you took pictures throughout the year then you could always add them to a Google folder (click HERE for directions on how to upload pictures from an iPhone or iPad) or Dropbox folder. You can add a link to the folder in the speaker notes for students to easily access before assigning the template to students.

Printing & Assembling

This resource does not come with directions on how to print since every printer is different. If you have trouble copying the two pages back to back, you can simply print the slides on two pieces of paper and use a little bit of glue or double sided tape to attach the backs of both sheets. Fold on the dotted lines to turn it into a brochure.

Hello Teacher Lady wrote a post that explains how you can use the Chrome extension, PDF Mergy, to quickly merge all student work into one PDF file that can be printed with one click.

Other End of the Year Activities:

Other Brochure Activities:

Click HERE for more brochure templates


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